south southwest

south southwestsouth southwest
  1. South by Southwest Interactive has seen the successful launch of several products .


  2. She made her third trip to the South by Southwest festival this year .


  3. She performed the song at this year 's South by Southwest festival .


  4. Moderate damage areas in north , east , south and southwest of Guizhou province ;


  5. Exploration of Commercialization of Cashew Industry in South and Southwest Yunnan


  6. A lot of people call South by Southwest Interactive the geek spring break .


  7. And that 's pretty South by Southwest Interactive has seen the successful launch of several products .


  8. Snowden addressed South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin today via video conference .


  9. The Austin , Texas based music and media festival , South by Southwest opened on March 8 .


  10. An arm of the South Pacific southwest of the Bismarck Archipelago .


  11. Snowbirds flee northern states in the winter for the South or Southwest .


  12. These were among the biggest workplace and management questions at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin over the weekend .


  13. South by Southwest is so cool , because its actually so chill and not intimidating .


  14. Line up20 yards south by southwest !


  15. U.S. population growth shifted to the South and Southwest , where union membership has been lower than elsewhere in the country .


  16. Tens of thousands of people travel to Austin , Texas each year to attend the South by Southwest festival .


  17. With the development of postal trunk , Wuhan Post gradually formed the postal dispatch center of the south and southwest regions .


  18. That 's why , next week , I 'll travel to Austin , Texas , to visit South by Southwest .


  19. Little Whinging is in Surrey , which is located to the south and southwest of London .


  20. Now it already becomes the main passage of the goods for South and Southwest China , and the South China 's biggest port for iron ore import .


  21. Network of domestic and foreign trade routes closely covering the coastal areas of South and Southwest Whampoa of Hong Kong , Guangdong and Shanghai Port in east China .


  22. Changing demographics also played a role.U.S.population growth shifted to the South and Southwest , where union membership has been lower than elsewhere in the country .


  23. This study demonstrated that the genetic polymorphism in the populations of the middle and east China was higher than that of the peripheral populations in north , south and southwest China .


  24. South and Southwest Yunnan are the most abundant in bamboo resources in China . They and their neighbouring areas formed a diversity center of Bambusoideae in the world .


  25. The entertainment industry continues to be in the vanguard , as demonstrated by the recent conference held by South by Southwest ( SXSW , Inc. ) .


  26. With the help of 229 employees , they have sold over 100 million tickets in 179 countries to events like South by Southwest after-parties and bay area marathons .


  27. Privacy and government surveillance have been a theme of this year 's South by Southwest Interactive , a conference better known as a stage for the latest social networking and mobile apps .


  28. In low effective area , the dispersal distances in north direction was the longest , with 100m , next by northeast , northwest , west , south , southwest and southeast directions .


  29. At this year 's South by Southwest , Cirque du Soleil and Klout provided users who downloaded the mobile app and were at the festival various prizes .


  30. Though launched publicly last summer , use of twitter started to take off in the middle of March after it was adopted by technology bloggers attending the south by Southwest conference in Texas .
